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Bogdan Szadowski | profile | guestbook | all galleries | recent
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Peter Sussex24-Dec-2010 15:37
Dear Bogdan,

I wish you and yours a very Merry Christmas and hope that Santa brings you everything on your wish list. May you have a very Happy and Healthy New Year too!
Jean-Jacques Vandamme14-Jul-2009 17:04
Congratulations ! Lovely colors all ! What s your secret ? Film ?
Monika 10-Apr-2009 11:37
Ogl±daj±c Twoje zdjêcia rozmarzy³am siê...
Wiêcej, wiêcej, wiêcej!
Guest 25-Jan-2009 07:00
Hello Bogdan,
If you can spare some time, I would appreciate very much your comments on the gallery:
Hope to hear from you. Thanks.

Guest 26-Dec-2008 08:19
Hi Bogdan,
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

kenindfw29-Nov-2008 17:13
Very nice collection of work. You have many beautiful images.
Fay Stout01-Nov-2008 16:55
Hello Bogdan... Wanted to thank you so much for your nice comments and votes on my "France" photos. You have done so much traveling and captured so many fantastic images. I particularly enjoyed your gallery on Provence. We were there on 9/11/2001 and would love to return. You have an eye for finding images that speak to the simple and sometimes quirky things that others might miss. I will check back often... Fay
Pawel29-Sep-2008 03:13
Hi! Nice to see your photoes!
Rosemarie Kusserow09-Feb-2008 21:50
Thanks Bogdan for your kind comment and vote on my image:,
it´s very appreciate, Rosemarie :o)
Guest 23-Jan-2008 18:11
Excellent work man. You are " the master of the color " ¡¡¡
Guest 14-Aug-2007 21:59
Very nice collection of photos Bogdan
Guest 14-Aug-2007 10:18
Very good works, bravissimo
zyziza13-Aug-2007 16:23
No juz dawno z taka przyjemnoscia i ciekawoscia nie ogladalem tylu pieknych, dobrze zrobionych, skadrowanych i obrobionych fotografii! Tym bardziej, ze jestesmy krajanami z Krakowa. Gratulacje!!!
Pawel Kazmierczyk09-Aug-2007 18:56
You really have a talent for photography. I have enjoyed visiting your galleries - the range of topics, the originality of viewpoint, and the high quality. Well done, and keep it up ! Pawel PS: I envy you the ability to travel globally ;)
M Williamson Lebon21-Jun-2007 02:46
Hello! Spectacular all galleries! Mónica.
Greg Little19-May-2007 09:15
Hi Bogdan,

Very nice galleries. I like the unusual toning and color you're using on some fo your shots. Are you using a filter on the lens or is that done in your post processing. You have a great eye for composition. Very nice. Greatings from Germany. Greg
Guest 16-May-2007 21:25
Hi Bogdan
Well, I look at your galleries and I like very much colors even if sometimes they seem not to be natural.
Anyway, a very good job.
John Rendle09-May-2007 09:57
Hello Bogdan. Thank you for your comment and vote for my gallery. You have some nice stuff here and I enjoyed seeing your images of New Zealand.
Guest 07-May-2007 21:12
Hi Bogdan,
Thank you very much for your kinds comments.
I appreciate this very highly, seen you high standard on your photos.
You have amazing pictures there.
Greetings from Belguim.
Alina21-Apr-2007 14:50
Bogdanie! You have so many wonderful photos and interesting places in your galleries. I was going through them with great joy.
Guest 28-Mar-2007 08:54
Dear Bogdan,
You have so beautifuly photos in yours portfolio...Excellent my friend...Greetings from Montenegro...I will come back with pleasure...
Guest 01-Mar-2007 16:22
Great Gallery
Federico D'Incà23-Feb-2007 13:25
Great photos Bogdan have a good eye ...tks for sharing !
Rob Sims07-Feb-2007 22:54
Great collection of galleries you have here... we've been to many of the same places, but I've not manage to capture them like you have. Thanks for sharing.
Bo Jensen03-Feb-2007 17:21
Hey Bogdan, im going to aussi at marts, is there anything you can tell me. Great work at you portfolio.
Guest 31-Jan-2007 12:06
Witam, Excellent galleries and I love your work with the 20d. I am interested which lens do you use for wide angle and what program for post processing? Thanks, James
Azlin Ahmad27-Jan-2007 21:10
I'm happy for your comments on my gallery because as a result, I have discovered yours! Great work, I will be back for more.
anthony195724-Jan-2007 21:47
I feel like I have been on a world tour after exploring your galleries. Outstanding work.
Monika20-Jan-2007 20:48
Thanks for visiting my galleries. I always knew Praque and KAzimierz are worth seeing.Now I know it for sure.
Guest 17-Jan-2007 00:15
Wonderful gallery and high quality images you have.
Thanks for sharing.

Guest 16-Jan-2007 01:12
Your galleries are stunning, very beautiful!
I added you to my favorites.
Shawn Patrick15-Jan-2007 23:06
Thank you for your comments and votes. You have some very good photos in your galleries.
Keep up the good work!
Jarek M05-Jan-2007 02:29

Thanks for visiting and kind comments.

Do milego.

Guest 03-Jan-2007 20:10
Hi Bogdan. You have some nice photos in your galleries. Pozdrowienia.