Cartoonist? Hmmm … well being a cartoonist has certainly trained your eye to see the beauty (and perhaps the humor) in our wonderful world! I’ve looked at all your galleries and I’m quite impressed in most of what I’ve seen so far. You asked for feedback on your photography? Be careful what you ask for! Here it comes!
Your studio work in your Glamour Gallery is excellent, particularly of the young woman Stacie. Of course, I’m very partial to red haired women in the first place, but the expressions she presents are wonderful! Of course, being a very beautiful young woman doesn’t hurt either. I’d photograph her in a heartbeat if I lived anywhere near enough.
I would recommend you find a model or a family relative, (wife? Daughter? “Your image of “Diane at the Zoo” comes to mind.), and try some natural scene photography instead of limiting yourself to the studio. William Bates Gallery of “Wanda” comes to mind for his work is phenomenal and absolutely the best to use for a guide as far as lighting and poses, but other members of pBase present some excellent galleries as well. You can find William Bates gallery of Wanda here;
The city images in “My Kinda Town” border on stunning, but my personal opinion is that I don’t enjoy the gallery format you’ve presented it in. Of course, you know what they say about people’s opinions! LOL! Excellent work nevertheless.
The “pets” gallery is … (excuse me) … “ho-hum”. I would hardily recommend you take a gander at Steve Pepple’s “Zoey the Westie” gallery, the best I’ve ever seen. Humor … touching … exciting … it’s all of these! You can find it here;
All in all, I think your journey into the wonderful world of Photography is going quiet well so far! I would strongly recommend that you try to take a “Photo A Day” and make a “PAD” gallery out of it. I did, and though I didn’t quiet finish a year at one time yet, it made me look at things and people in an entirely new way.
All in all, the PAD gallery was the very best thing that happened to me on pBase, for I was quiet ill when I started it. I had to deal with committing to taking a photo a day and posting it on top of all the physical issues I was going through at the time. It literally saved my life, as did some very special people here at pBase.