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joanteno | all galleries >> My Favorites >> My favorite Sunsets > Sunset September 10 2005 Hospice Regatta p.jpg
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10-SEP-2005 joan m teno

Sunset September 10 2005 Hospice Regatta p.jpg

Bristol, RI

Sunset in Bristol RI

September 11 2005

Favorite picture of the week # 37

Nikon D70 ,Tamron AF 18-200mm f/3.5-6.3 Xr Di-II LD IF
1/400s f/6.0 at 95.0mm hide exif
Full EXIF Info
Date/Time10-Sep-2005 19:15:34
ModelNIKON D70
Flash UsedNo
Focal Length95 mm
Exposure Time1/400 sec
ISO Equivalent
Exposure Bias-0.33
White Balance (-1)
Metering Modematrix (5)
JPEG Quality (6)
Exposure Programaperture priority (3)
Focus Distance

other sizes: small medium original auto
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Guest 23-Oct-2005 23:27
Beautiful sunset! You have a lovely neighborhood! Great gallery. Lynne
Karen Leaf13-Sep-2005 01:50
Perfect! I'm gonna have to make a run down there :)
steve mcsweeny12-Sep-2005 09:17
WOW! You get the best sunsets;) Vote!
northstar3712-Sep-2005 09:12
another lovely sunset
Tomasz Dziubinski - Photography11-Sep-2005 19:11
Very beautiful image, my compliments :)
viljamix11-Sep-2005 16:02
Gorgeous colors and nicely composed with great lighting.
Sheila11-Sep-2005 13:34
Lovely evening over there again!
Very nice sunset shot.
Olaf Herrig11-Sep-2005 13:21
A wonderful light and mood!
Regards, Olaf.
Guest 11-Sep-2005 12:26
Beautiful! Very nicely done.
Karen Stuebing11-Sep-2005 11:02
Vividly colored sky and I like the silouhette of the sailboat anchored for the night.
tembapix11-Sep-2005 08:57
Lovely peaceful feeling with great colour.
Ken Zimmerman 11-Sep-2005 07:11
I hope your hospice regatta went well. Ours is next week here in Michagan.
Focus11-Sep-2005 04:12
Well done! Love the colors........thanks for sharing.
Brian McAllister11-Sep-2005 03:11
Yes. Nicely done. Vote.
Marek Kacprzak11-Sep-2005 02:08
awesome capture!
Josy's Pics11-Sep-2005 01:58
Beautiful scene... nice colors!
Mindy McNaugher11-Sep-2005 01:51
Gorgeous! The colors are exquisite! Beautiful silhouette, and lovely hint of the sunset in the reflection in the water! Wonderful mood! Vote!