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joanteno | all galleries >> My Favorites >> Some of my best shots > pbase b w PVD grafitia and Joan 2 R1011251.jpg
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pbase b w PVD grafitia and Joan 2 R1011251.jpg

My neice, in front of Mural that is under a bridge that is undergoing repairs.

Our thoughts go out to those persons who are injured or died in the bridge
disaster in Minnnesota.

Ricoh Caplio GX-100
1/125s f/2.9 at 5.1mm iso80 hide exif
Full EXIF Info
Date/Time05-Aug-2007 16:59:50
ModelCaplio GX100
Flash UsedNo
Focal Length5.1 mm
Exposure Time1/125 sec
ISO Equivalent80
Exposure Bias-1.30
White Balance
Metering Modematrix (5)
JPEG Quality
Exposure Programprogram (2)
Focus Distance

other sizes: small medium original auto
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fotabug26-Oct-2007 06:00
Sobering, now I understand her look
JW25-Sep-2007 18:47
What an excellent portrait! Her pose is perfect for the setting
Guest 12-Aug-2007 18:34
Very strong image, Joan. Composition, atmosphere and her expression really complement one another.
Sheila10-Aug-2007 23:22
I like this version Joan.
laine8210-Aug-2007 21:28
Nice conversion & great portrait.
Guest 10-Aug-2007 15:16
Stunning shot, I really like the comp, setting and slight hint of color. V
Dave Wixx10-Aug-2007 05:12
Excellent tones, excellent scene.
Guest 10-Aug-2007 04:12
Great shot and entry.
Linda Willets10-Aug-2007 03:20
carolynne_w10-Aug-2007 00:42
This is real life. Well done!
Cindi Smith10-Aug-2007 00:34
Wonderful shot. the first thing that came to mind was the bridge in Minneapolis. I'll be there next week.
Ray :)09-Aug-2007 21:34
Very cool street portrait Joan.
Jackdad09-Aug-2007 20:54
hear hear.
nice desat conversion
Nicki Thurgar09-Aug-2007 19:11
Great image, and what a tragedy that bridge disaster was...
Guest 09-Aug-2007 19:10
Very moody shot, lovely niece - and lovely sentiments too
Máire Uí Mhaicín09-Aug-2007 17:15
Lovely moody image.
Guest 09-Aug-2007 16:22
nice mood, well done
Pic Chick09-Aug-2007 15:47
When I saw this in color, the first thing I thought was "I'd like to see this in black & white". Nicely done. I really like it.
Carolyn Rasmussen09-Aug-2007 14:49
Agree with everyone. Nice shot.
Julie Hatvany09-Aug-2007 14:43
Lovely shot and sentiment
Zak09-Aug-2007 14:37
great shot!
Johnny Rasmussen09-Aug-2007 14:36
Great streat portrait, good use of light!
Guest 09-Aug-2007 14:07
wonderful image - well done!
Guest 09-Aug-2007 13:13
This has superb mood. V
Guest 09-Aug-2007 12:06
Great image and a sentiment that we all share!
Tim van Woensel09-Aug-2007 11:15
Lovely portrait and location.
Maaike Huizer09-Aug-2007 11:04
Great capture of mood. Lovely.
beverley harrison09-Aug-2007 10:41
nicely done....nice sentiment too...
Guest 09-Aug-2007 10:30
very very nice. I especially dig how you managed the light in this situation.
Jola Dziubinska09-Aug-2007 10:03
Wonderful capture.
Guest 09-Aug-2007 09:29
excellent portrait and tone and compo.
j>a>e>17 :):):)09-Aug-2007 09:00
sweet remembrance... and reflective art :):):)
Barbara Heide09-Aug-2007 08:50
strong street portrait!!