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These galleries primarily show photos of the landscape, animals, plants and insects from several areas in Eastern Ontario.

Many of the galleries show photos from LAROSE FOREST. This 18,000 acre forest comprised of mixed hardwoods, plantations of red pine and white pine, and extensive wetlands, is home to a diversity of wildlife including over 143 species of birds, 70 species of butterflies,as well as moose, deer, fisher, and many other wildlife species, and hundreds of species of plants and mushrooms. Recreational opportunities abound, with hiking, skiing, bird-watching, nature study, cycling, dog-sledding, horse-back riding. The forest is located east of Ottawa, in the United Counties of Prescott and Russell, between the towns of Limoges and Bourget.

For more photos of plants and wildlife by myself and others, please check out the Fletcher Wildlife Garden galleries. Go to Fletcher Wildlife Garden

Spring 2025
:: Spring 2025 ::
Winter 2024-2025
:: Winter 2024-2025 ::
Reveler Conservation Area  (23 Galleries)
:: Reveler Conservation Area (23 Galleries) ::
LAROSE FOREST  (17 Galleries)
:: LAROSE FOREST (17 Galleries) ::
INSECTS (INSECTA)  (28 Galleries)
:: INSECTS (INSECTA) (28 Galleries) ::
Non-insect Arthropods: Spiders, Isopods, Millipedes, etc.
:: Non-insect Arthropods: Spiders, Isopods, Millipedes, etc. ::
:: Gastropods ::
:: Cleo ::
ANIMALS:  Dogs and Cats
:: ANIMALS: Dogs and Cats ::
WILDLIFE (including birds, mammals and reptiles and amphibians) (18 Galleries)
:: WILDLIFE (including birds, mammals and reptiles and amphibians) (18 Galleries) ::
Wildflowers, Ferns, Grasses, Trees and Shrubs (18 Galleries)
:: Wildflowers, Ferns, Grasses, Trees and Shrubs (18 Galleries) ::
Fungi and Slime molds (38 galleries)
:: Fungi and Slime molds (38 galleries) ::
Around Ontario and Quebec
:: Around Ontario and Quebec ::
:: Skyscapes ::
The World According to Winnie-the-Pooh
:: The World According to Winnie-the-Pooh ::
Poetry and Photos
:: Poetry and Photos ::
Miscellanea: A bit of this and a bit of that  (5 Galleries)
:: Miscellanea: A bit of this and a bit of that (5 Galleries) ::
The Four Seasons (9 Galleries)
:: The Four Seasons (9 Galleries) ::