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Marc Ruediger | profile | guestbook | all galleries | recent
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John Cravatta20-Mar-2013 12:16
My two most favorite passions now are cycling and photography.Thanks for sharing many great captures.
I spent one day in Adelaide (Honeymoon) in 1994 on my way to Kangaroo Island. Loved it!
JB11-Oct-2012 11:22
Dynamo dude ,very good detail and composition
You inspire me man !!!
notpedro26-Mar-2012 09:24
Very Fine Gallery !!!
Guest 10-Feb-2012 11:37
ThankĀ“s for your comment on my Picture..
Your Gallery is also very interessting and beautiful..
Ros Ruediger 16-Apr-2010 21:51
Have just checked out your galleries - they are fantastic!
Guest 09-Sep-2008 11:52
Nice Galleries
Chrissie Higgleton31-Aug-2008 11:14
Welcome to pbase.Looking forward to many more of your photos. Chrissie.