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joanteno | all galleries >> My Favorites >> Barrington RI - My home town. > Upper Matthewson foggy day July 16 2005 p.jpg
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Upper Matthewson foggy day July 16 2005 p.jpg

July 16 2005

First day of VACATION taking early am pictures
in Bristol and Barrington

Here is other snaps of my early am convertible ride

Nikon D70
1/640s f/5.6 at 65.0mm full exif

other sizes: small medium original auto
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Monte Dodge16-Jan-2006 17:14
Great shot of the boats!!!
Molly Brewer 18-Sep-2005 12:04
It's hard to choose which one I want framed. Molly
F Rim05-Sep-2005 23:03
Wonderful Image, very nice galleries.
b-w studio17-Aug-2005 15:46
Beautiful mood and reflections.
Laryl08-Aug-2005 08:49
I love the top image.. I can see matted and framed, would look great. good job
Manfred Bachmann07-Aug-2005 20:57
Wonderful mood, very beautiful shot!
Guest 30-Jul-2005 17:32
Beautiful and Tranquil. Voted
Anna Yu29-Jul-2005 17:59
Stunning shot. Vote.
Mindy McNaugher19-Jul-2005 02:58
Gorgeous shot, filled with wonderful atmosphere! Love how the one boat stands out in its detail and color, while the others recede slightly into the fog!
JW18-Jul-2005 20:43
The main shot is just sublime. Vote
Guest 18-Jul-2005 20:28
Love the reflections in the water, so clear unlike the sky above.
Gayle P. Clement18-Jul-2005 12:14
A real beauty, Joan.
Guest 18-Jul-2005 11:29
Beautiful capture. Love the soft background.
northstar3717-Jul-2005 21:52
sleeping in the mist
optimist17-Jul-2005 07:17
I'm amazed at the great color and contrast of the boat in the foreground considering the foggy surroundings.
steve mcsweeny17-Jul-2005 07:14
WOW!! thats a vote! awesome.
Guest 17-Jul-2005 06:25
Really beautiful image! vote
Brian McAllister17-Jul-2005 03:42
I'm really taken by this shot. Misty quiet and then the splash of color from the boat in the foreground really makes this special. Vote.
Glendower17-Jul-2005 01:56
Really excellent composition.
Pat Hemlepp17-Jul-2005 00:28
Great capture! The most colorful boat is crisp while the fog envelopes the others. Very nice.
Jackdad16-Jul-2005 19:01
that's the best thing about holidays - being able to take lots of shots!
JeremyGood16-Jul-2005 18:00
Great capture of a misty harbor. I can almost hear the muted harbor sounds.
Hubert Steed16-Jul-2005 17:08
Lovely composition and photo... voting for it. Focus is really nice.
katwilkens16-Jul-2005 16:04
Beautiful--I like how the boat in the foreground stands out from the others.
Rene Hales16-Jul-2005 13:55
Boats have a wonderful mystical feel. I like the way the one in the foreground is quite a bit clearer and the others are fading into the fog. Well seen; well shot.--Rene
Rosi Blaurock16-Jul-2005 13:42