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joanteno | all galleries >> Pictures with most hits >> 500 to 1000 hits > Sunrise on October alternate 2 PE post.jpg
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Sunrise on October alternate 2 PE post.jpg

Panasonic Lumix DMC-LX1
1/800s f/4.5 at 14.4mm iso100 full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
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Guest 12-Oct-2005 05:31
The sun looks like an explosion of fire - wonderful!
grafix7203-Oct-2005 18:46
steve mcsweeny03-Oct-2005 17:18
Awesome shot.Vote!
Roe..02-Oct-2005 15:35
beautiful the sun
Sheila02-Oct-2005 11:50
Great start for the new month. I look forward to your lovely sunrises.
Karen Stuebing02-Oct-2005 10:21
The sun fading behind that fog bank is spectacular and all the ships sitting there moored for the night make this a super photo.
Graham Tomlin02-Oct-2005 07:38
good picture
Steven Jusczyk02-Oct-2005 07:03
Another beauty. Wonderful colors and mist.
Guest 02-Oct-2005 06:11
Excellent colors and mood!
henrywong02-Oct-2005 03:04
Karen Leaf02-Oct-2005 02:51
Jackdad01-Oct-2005 20:47
Hi Joan, what beautiful shots to start October. :-)
Olaf Herrig01-Oct-2005 20:03
A wonderful mood, excellent photo!
Guest 01-Oct-2005 20:00
Jeffery Stahlman01-Oct-2005 19:58
very nice
Johnny JAG01-Oct-2005 19:30
A real stand out shot, v.
Herb 01-Oct-2005 18:36
Nice shot
J. Scott Coile01-Oct-2005 18:26
Beautiful reward for an early trip!
Ian Clowes01-Oct-2005 17:17
Well worth the early start!
Chris Spracklen01-Oct-2005 17:16
Magic light, Joan!
Nice work.
Well done.
Kind regards,
zadokshmuel01-Oct-2005 17:14
Brian McAllister01-Oct-2005 17:14
Gorgeous misty morning. Vote.
Gordon W01-Oct-2005 16:54
Fabulous photograph. Beautiful atmospheric conditions that you captured very well here.
Focus01-Oct-2005 16:27
Guest 01-Oct-2005 16:26
Lovely. Thanks for sharing
uofmtiger01-Oct-2005 16:16
Fantastic mood! GMV