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joanteno | all galleries >> Picture of the Week >> Picture of the Week 2005 > P Leaving London October 10 2005.jpg
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10-OCT-2005 Joan M Teno

P Leaving London October 10 2005.jpg

London, UK

Leaving London..

On my way home.. :)

October 10 2005

My favorite picture of the week # 42

Panasonic Lumix DMC-LX1
1/4s f/2.8 at 6.3mm iso100 full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
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Guest 13-Oct-2005 00:22
Picture postcard perfect. I LOVE Dr. Who telephone boxes
Guest 12-Oct-2005 05:38
Really nice work, getting the lighting to come through and the low-lit parts of the telephone boxes as well. Looks almost like a movie set.
Karen Stuebing11-Oct-2005 10:34
This is so pretty with the softness and the lights. What an attractive city. Even the phone booths look nice.
steve mcsweeny11-Oct-2005 09:43
Great shot! Nice light,sets the mood.
northstar3711-Oct-2005 09:39
they look like they're up to something
Steven Jusczyk11-Oct-2005 08:34
Great light and colors.
Guest 11-Oct-2005 02:56
Its a nice farewell to old London town!
Karen Leaf11-Oct-2005 02:14
Love those phone booths. It was a quick trip!
Sheila10-Oct-2005 13:39
Magic light, wonderful.
grafix7210-Oct-2005 13:13
Great shot for your last one from London.
Rene Hales10-Oct-2005 13:06
Nice evening lighting.--Rene
viljamix10-Oct-2005 10:03
I like the lighting, too.
Guest 10-Oct-2005 09:47
nothing like home sweet home. :)
nice light