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joanteno | all galleries >> My Favorites >> Best of 2005 >> calender_2006 > p Cafe Nero Cup Sub for October 14 2005.jpg
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p Cafe Nero Cup Sub for October 14 2005.jpg

OK NEW PAD rule:

If it rains for six days or more days, you may subsitute
a recent picture...

Here is an attempt to take a picture today in the rain

October 14 2005

Soggy in RI

Panasonic Lumix DMC-LX1
1/30s f/2.8 at 6.3mm iso100 full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
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Guest 17-Oct-2005 00:58
Perfectly captured froth! Great DoF work.
Karen Stuebing15-Oct-2005 09:59
I think you need that cup of coffee before tackling the outdoors. Looks yummy.
northstar3715-Oct-2005 09:53
Sheila15-Oct-2005 06:27
Great shot of the coffee!
Brian McAllister15-Oct-2005 04:30
I like your rules. And what a great shot.
Joseph Brennskag15-Oct-2005 03:13
mmmm! Looks yummy!
Karen Leaf15-Oct-2005 02:47
Those rules sound GOOD to me, ha!
As good as this coffee
grafix7215-Oct-2005 01:14
mmmm a nice warm drink for a cold wet rainy day :)