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joanteno | all galleries >> Pictures with most hits >> 500 to 1000 hits > November 4 2005.jpg
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November 4 2005.jpg

Up at 3am to drive 200 miles to 8 pm meeting, then 200 miles home.
This is quick shot while walking to get an Mochalatte at
Dirt Cowboy Cafe on the main quad at Dartmouth College in
Hanover, NH


November 4 2005

Wk # 45 favorite picture of the week! (ONLY 6 weeks to GO!)

Panasonic Lumix DMC-LX1
1/40s f/4.0 at 14.4mm iso100 full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
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steve mcsweeny08-Nov-2005 00:50
Brilliant,Quick shot;).Composition and colors are fantastic!
Guest 06-Nov-2005 15:26
Such incredible colours!..fantastic stuff!.. the bench finishes the composition!..
Gayle P. Clement06-Nov-2005 15:13
Great color. Don't you hate those early wake-ups.
don nieman06-Nov-2005 03:43
This is a beautiful photograph. The composition, the color and clarity are all really good.
northstar3705-Nov-2005 21:32
I'd need a week's rest after all that!
ewa toll05-Nov-2005 17:46
nice picture lovely colours
Guest 05-Nov-2005 14:43
Very nice shot, equally interesting narrative. Six to eight times a month I make a 350 mile loop. I can sympathize.
viljamix05-Nov-2005 12:03
An excellent composition.
Karen Stuebing05-Nov-2005 10:53
Nicely seen and shot. Wow, they sure got some great color there. I like the bench just waiting for someone to sit.
Steven Jusczyk05-Nov-2005 09:04
Yes, great composition with the diagonals.
Guest 05-Nov-2005 08:29
nice composition ! I like the colors
Sheila05-Nov-2005 07:56
This is lovely with the layers, yellow, then red, then green and grey!
Jackdad05-Nov-2005 07:48
wow you must be tired after all that driving. beautiful colours.
Bryan Murahashi05-Nov-2005 04:43
Like the bench and the overhanging yellow leaves. Very nicely shot. GMV.
Coleen Perilloux Landry05-Nov-2005 03:33
Nice composition with the bench and the colors are magnificent.
JW05-Nov-2005 02:12
Stunning colours and a nice composition. Great dedication to PADing in your busy day!
Ray Rebortira05-Nov-2005 01:41
But you got a great shot, so all that rush was worth this great pic!