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joanteno | all galleries >> Pictures with most hits >> 500 to 1000 hits > pbase December 17 2005 Bristol SM.jpg
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pbase December 17 2005 Bristol SM.jpg

A friend just bought an LX1! Here is a few shots from a
Java walk in Bristol. Her shot is the cat in the window.
Welcome to the world of digital photography, Susan!

84 Days to Spring!

Week #51 Picture of the week

Leica D-Lux 2
1/320s f/2.8 at 6.3mm iso80 full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
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JW20-Dec-2005 07:58
superb colours, textures lines and so sharp!

welcome to Susan!
northstar3720-Dec-2005 00:24
lovely and weathered
Gayle P. Clement19-Dec-2005 18:42
Beautiful textures.
molly 18-Dec-2005 13:19
just remarkable. stunning to look at
Karen Stuebing18-Dec-2005 11:57
Super tones and textures. I wonder why they angled the wood? It sure makes for a nice photo though. :)
Sheila18-Dec-2005 09:24
Lovely textures in the old timber.
Steven Jusczyk18-Dec-2005 09:08
Gorgeous colors and textures! Nice details, too.
Guest 18-Dec-2005 02:49
A new padder, perhaps? Love the detail and the color in your shot, Joan.
Karen Leaf18-Dec-2005 00:27
What a nice catch of color and line Joan. Congrats Susan, we expect to see your name in the newest PaD gallery :)