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joanteno | all galleries >> My Favorites >> Barrington RI - My home town. > Pbase January 29 2006_filtered.jpg
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Pbase January 29 2006_filtered.jpg

Winter sunrise..

January 29 2006

Leica D-Lux 2
1/20s f/3.2 at 8.7mm iso100 full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
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carlogalliani29-May-2013 13:12
Beautiful image !
Ashley Hockenberry27-Aug-2010 00:04
Yiannis Pavlis06-Nov-2007 03:35
Clarity, details colour all presented beautifully!A wonderful photograph.
royalld18-Oct-2007 18:37
I can't believe I missed this one last year... beautiful scene and colors.
Simon Chandler28-Feb-2007 07:35
Spectacular. Excellent composition. The ducks add so much impact to the image.
Samer Jabri A.12-Feb-2007 13:27
V. nice, well done
George Christakos03-Oct-2006 12:22
Wonderful colors. Lovely mood.
Guest 15-Sep-2006 18:19
Wonderful shot, Joan. Must have been a very special moment.
Ron Asp03-Jun-2006 13:40
Joanteno, beautiful shot..around here at this time of the year we have two feet of ice and lots of snow..If you find the time look at my sunset photos, it would be pretty hard to tell the difference in locations as they are so similar...Thanks for sharing your photos...Ron
Karen Moen14-May-2006 08:19
Beautiful color and composition. Voted.
Guest 22-Mar-2006 19:23
Lovely Shot!
arminb27-Feb-2006 22:03
WOW, would have loved to see this with my own eyes, yet, your shot give a prefect idea, how great it must have been!
Cheers, Armin
Bryan Ramsay19-Feb-2006 15:57
Beautiful sunrise. -BJ GMV
Guest 05-Feb-2006 20:09
Very nice. GMV
JW04-Feb-2006 20:33
Top quality. The colours are awesome! GMV
Robin Reid31-Jan-2006 04:39
Stunning shot.
Karen Stuebing30-Jan-2006 12:23
That sky looks like you can reach up and touch it. Fantastic fiery sunrise.
Guest 30-Jan-2006 09:31
Steven Jusczyk30-Jan-2006 08:55
Just superb!
Karen Leaf30-Jan-2006 01:48
Everyone has taken the superlatives, I'll just ditto. Wow.
Guest 29-Jan-2006 23:23
beautiful shot. voted!
Guest 29-Jan-2006 20:51
Wondeful shot Joan - wish I had this at the end of my street! Voted
Jackdad29-Jan-2006 20:26
that's gorgeous!
Guest 29-Jan-2006 19:57
Beautiful, love the silhouettes!
Gayle P. Clement29-Jan-2006 16:42
A very beautiful pano, Joan.
Beverly Wickersham29-Jan-2006 16:35
Beautiful sunrise.
Guest 29-Jan-2006 16:20
Stunningly beautiful ........ voting.
Bryan Murahashi29-Jan-2006 15:45
Fabulous sunrise. Like colorful reflection and swimming birds. V.
...duncan29-Jan-2006 15:33
Very beautiful.
Herb 29-Jan-2006 15:19
Nice image
csmallari29-Jan-2006 15:15
wonderful capture !!! what a gorgeous sunset :-)
Sheila29-Jan-2006 15:10
Terrific sky, lovely composition.
Gordon W29-Jan-2006 15:05
Beautiful scene well captured.
ewa toll29-Jan-2006 14:48
gorgeous color
Graham Tomlin29-Jan-2006 14:28
very nice regards Helen