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joanteno | all galleries >> My Favorites >> Barrington RI - My home town. > pbase Sunrise on Feb 4 2006.jpg
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pbase Sunrise on Feb 4 2006.jpg

Couldn't resist doing a sunrise as PoD. However, really nice light this morning.
Wish I had a macro for the two shots. It may time for trip to my favorite camera store.
Java cuddling wtih Mollie, who is 12 year old couch potatoe at this point in life.


Leica D-Lux 2
1/320s f/4.9 at 25.2mm iso100 full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
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Guest 01-Oct-2006 11:47
What a beautiful sunrise image! Gmv.
Bryan Ramsay14-May-2006 13:31
This one is very nice! I agree sunrise can be such a special time. -BJ
Pic Chick07-Feb-2006 02:29
Beautiful sunrise - love the church steeple in the background and the blended shades. Gorgeous!!
northstar3705-Feb-2006 13:31
fine, misty sunrise
Karen Stuebing05-Feb-2006 12:31
Gorgeous. I love the town included in the photo. And of course, I love the doggie shot too. :)
Steven Jusczyk05-Feb-2006 09:41
Sheila05-Feb-2006 01:59
That is a cracker of a sunrise!
Bryan Murahashi04-Feb-2006 18:50
Very nice sunrise here. Like the spires in the background.
Beverly Wickersham04-Feb-2006 18:16
Beautiful sunrise. A nice warm glow.
Enrique04-Feb-2006 17:41
Nicely done.
Graham Tomlin04-Feb-2006 15:45
wonderful picture regards Helen
Jackdad04-Feb-2006 15:18
beautiful sunrise, and I love the photo of the two dogs curled up together.
Everyone seems to have "macro fever" these days! :-)