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joanteno | all galleries >> Pictures with most hits >> 500 to 1000 hits > Nick C and Pooch on September 17 2006
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17-September-2006 Joan M Teno

Nick C and Pooch on September 17 2006

Warren RI

Breakfast at 3 Rivers on Water street in Warren..
watching Nick row his beautiful Golden up the
warren river..

Now back to writing a grant..

other sizes: small medium large original auto
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Bryan Ramsay24-Sep-2006 03:18
Spectacular!!! GMV -BJ
Karen Stuebing23-Sep-2006 10:19
Love the composition, brightness and colors. Great capture. V.
Guest 17-Sep-2006 21:24
wonderful capture..looks like the Nikon is working well for you!..v
royalld17-Sep-2006 19:33
This is a great atmosphere to have breakfast.
Jackdad17-Sep-2006 15:35
looks idyllic...
Greg Harp17-Sep-2006 15:31
Beautiful capture.
Gary Blanchette17-Sep-2006 13:55
So beautiful... So serene...
Zak17-Sep-2006 13:46
that's a nice house with a great location!