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joanteno | all galleries >> Picture a Day >> Picture of the Day 2006 >> October PESO or PAD 2006 > Pbase Happy Halloween Java Year 4 Ocotober 30 2006.jpg
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Pbase Happy Halloween Java Year 4 Ocotober 30 2006.jpg

Java 4th Halloween! (Yes, the indignity is back!!)
This year, he will be a red hot chilli pepper.

Last year, he was pig

Two years ago, he was bumble bee

Three years ago, he was an angel!

Nikon D80
1/60s f/4.2 at 32.0mm iso100 full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
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Yiannis Pavlis29-Mar-2007 13:26
so sweet
Greg Harp01-Nov-2006 01:49
Happy Halloween! Terrific portrait.
Jackdad31-Oct-2006 13:24
*grin* Happy Halloween Java!
Karen Stuebing31-Oct-2006 11:43
LOL. Poor Java. He's such a regal dog and I'm sure he's embarrassed by this. :)
Guest 31-Oct-2006 03:30
Sheila31-Oct-2006 03:19
I think he quite likes being a Red hot chilli pepper!
Bryan Ramsay31-Oct-2006 02:20
Great costume, I hope the eyes are PS. -BJ
Pic Chick31-Oct-2006 01:11
Oh the shame....I love seeing Java's costumes every year! I'm still partial to the pig and bee :) Too cute!!!!