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joanteno | all galleries >> My Favorites >> Barrington RI - My home town. > pbase Sunrise on January 3 2007.jpg
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pbase Sunrise on January 3 2007.jpg

Blount Seafood Processing Plant on January 3 2007

Nikon D80
1/400s f/5.0 at 90.0mm iso1000 full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
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snootydog17-Jan-2007 22:30
Love it
Ray :)09-Jan-2007 22:41
The sky's on fire!!
Sheila06-Jan-2007 03:15
Sheila06-Jan-2007 03:15
A great sunrise shot, Joan!
Craig Persel06-Jan-2007 00:26
Greg Harp05-Jan-2007 17:51
Beautiful sunrise.
Jackdad04-Jan-2007 20:57
wonderful colours in that sky.
nordic04-Jan-2007 19:39
excellent shot, the smoke really makes this!
Zak04-Jan-2007 11:25
nice sky!
ewa toll04-Jan-2007 10:26
beautiful shot
Steven Jusczyk04-Jan-2007 07:24
Stunning, Joan, especially in the original!
Jim Larkin04-Jan-2007 04:56
Great image.
Bryan Murahashi04-Jan-2007 04:08
Great colors and I like the dark smoke here. V
Pic Chick04-Jan-2007 03:08
Wow, this is just fab! I love the colors and the lone smokestack blasting away. GMV!
Bryan Ramsay04-Jan-2007 02:45
Gorgeous sunrise!! I like the contrast of the steam! -BJ V
Katie Chew04-Jan-2007 01:12
Beautiful colors!
Donald Verger04-Jan-2007 01:08
cool shot! vote!

i have a sunset from today come on as a pad a bit after yours
Guest 04-Jan-2007 01:01
You sure see a lot of sunrises! This one is another great one.
Gayle P. Clement04-Jan-2007 00:39
Beautiful sunrise.
Guest 04-Jan-2007 00:36
I love how many perspectives you get from this scene. Go blounts!v