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joanteno | all galleries >> Java, Moki, and Cino! >> gabi_the_lab > pbase South shore on Feb 10 2007.jpg
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pbase South shore on Feb 10 2007.jpg

February 10 dog walk - I am guessing on the beach, need to get the official map.
Gabi is blind so she nevers looks athe camera..

Update - googled, South Shore beach by Goose Wing Beach

ASA 80
1/250s f/8.0 at 7.4mm full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
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carabias11-Feb-2007 01:20
Bellísima fotografía. Mi Voto
Jackdad10-Feb-2007 19:13
lovely shot of two contented pooches. :-)
Johnny JAG10-Feb-2007 16:20
Nice shot.