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joanteno | all galleries >> Java, Moki, and Cino! >> Java Puppy shots: The first year > pbase Motion and a story Feb 22 2007.jpg
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pbase Motion and a story Feb 22 2007.jpg

For the Informal, transglobal challenge Motion..

Now the story, I intended to take a picture today.

Woke up with a dog with swollen leg and limping. He would not bear weight.
Off to the Vet hospital - X-rays, blood tests, and large credit card bill later.

Java has Lyme disease, which is very common living in coastal area..

Tonight, he is doped up and startng a month long antibotics that will hopefull
cure his infection..

So, a picture from the Archive - and a sigh of relief. Praying that antiboictics
will get Java back to normal.


Pentax Optio 550
1/48s f/2.8 at 7.8mm full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
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Guest 28-Feb-2007 03:07
Oh no! Poor Java. Hope he's feeling better soon. I've read though once the antibiotics kick in, the dog is very quickly back on his feet. Give him a kiss from him MN buddies.
Jackdad24-Feb-2007 20:36
sorry to hear about Java's illness. Glad to hear he is at the shoe-stealing stage. :-)
optimist24-Feb-2007 16:36
What a sport!
Johnny JAG23-Feb-2007 20:59
Poor Java, give him a hug from Holly
Guest 23-Feb-2007 16:21
funny,is gorgeous.
Katie Chew23-Feb-2007 15:29
Cute shot. Hope Java is well soon.
Fong Lam23-Feb-2007 12:01
Nice to know Java is in good health now.
Guest 23-Feb-2007 11:24
Glad Java is on the mend!
Sharon Rogers23-Feb-2007 10:45
oh poor Java, very glad to hear he is on the mend now.

Fantastic capture, love the wicked look
Sheila23-Feb-2007 07:16
Poor Java, tick bites are hell. Hope he recovers soon.
Good movement shot.
Dan Chusid23-Feb-2007 06:31
Hope he's up and moving like normal again soon!
wernere0123-Feb-2007 02:52
Cute look, great fun.
Dave Wixx23-Feb-2007 01:49
Excellent capture, fun shot.
virginiacoastline23-Feb-2007 01:41
Bill Warren23-Feb-2007 01:34
Take care of Java
Cindi Smith23-Feb-2007 01:33
He wants you to move! I sure hope Java gets better soon!
Jola Dziubinska23-Feb-2007 01:06
Cute shot :)
Guest 23-Feb-2007 00:59
Get well Java!
Guest 23-Feb-2007 00:50
I'm sorry to hear about Java - I hope it's not as bad for canines as it is for us meek humans.
Pic Chick23-Feb-2007 00:45
OMG! Poor Java, poor you! I hope he will be ok. We have alot of ticks here, but they claim Lyme disease has not reached the island....yet.... Great shot for the challenge tho!
Linda Willets23-Feb-2007 00:08
fun shot.. wishing a quick recovery to Java