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joanteno | all galleries >> Java, Moki, and Cino! >> Java Puppy shots: The first year > pbase Java on June 3 2003 at 9 weeks old.jpg
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pbase Java on June 3 2003 at 9 weeks old.jpg

Ok, TGIF for most but I am working covering the hospital this weekend.

Have to admit, I am puppy withdraw after enjoying the past 8 weeks of watching Sharon Rogers beautiful puppies from Wren grow up. Thus after a long day, I decided look through the days when Java was a puppy. So here he is on June 3rd at 9 weeks old sleeping in his crate. Yes, at that early age, he always had a plush toy with him.

Cheers, enjoy your weekend.

Pentax Optio 550
1/5s f/2.8 at 7.8mm full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
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Jackdad24-Mar-2007 20:30
he's grown a bit since then. ;-)
but still very cute.
ewa toll24-Mar-2007 19:16
it's too dangerous to look at puppys !!! Very nice shot
Johnny JAG24-Mar-2007 16:34
Very cute.
Guest 24-Mar-2007 15:35
Sheila24-Mar-2007 01:52
Very cute, Joan!
Guest 24-Mar-2007 00:01
Yes, puppies are irresistible! Java is just too cute!
Bryan Murahashi24-Mar-2007 00:01
Awww, very cute puppy memories.