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joanteno | all galleries >> Various projects and other stuff >> solid_fact_series_photos >> persons > pbase Irene and V.jpg
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pbase Irene and V.jpg

pbase Irene and V.jpg

Finally an internet connection - The world famous Victorio Ventifritus (?sp) and the equally famous, Professor Irene Higginson.
In London at Gatwick, home by late Wenesday night! Dr. Ventifritus was one of the creator of the pain step ladder for proscribing pain medicaitons..

Sorry to post all my back log in one upload, but I went FOUR days without an internet connection -and I though withdrawing from Caffiene was bad??

Survived my first Air Itaia and Air traffice controller striked.

Nikon D80
1/40s f/5.6 at 105.0mm iso1000 full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
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Greg Harp31-May-2007 04:16
Nice candid.
snootydog23-May-2007 16:47
Look at that beautiful blue eye. This is a very engaging shot.
Guest 23-May-2007 00:46
Very cool! V
Sheila23-May-2007 00:21
Oh you poor thing, glad you are back online ok.
Gayle P. Clement22-May-2007 22:56
Great photo. He looks like a very interesting man to talk to. Sorry about that line!