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joanteno | all galleries >> My Favorites >> Best of 2007 > pbase May 30 L1000061.jpg
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pbase May 30 L1000061.jpg


Finally, cutting back on xtra clinical work that was resulting in way too many work hours of work.
It is one of those situations where you ask yourself, now how exactly how you were managing this.

To celebrate, a few friends and I drank this bottle of wine. A lovely dinner at Alfornos -
the best resturant in Providence.

Life is good. Balance is so important.

Leica D-Lux 3
1/60s f/7.1 at 13.4mm iso100 full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
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virginiacoastline06-Jun-2007 01:41
congratulations . . .and I wish you much balance =)
JW02-Jun-2007 19:31
Good for you, Joan! Looks like you celebrated in style. Nice composition and light
Sheila31-May-2007 09:11
This is a great shot.
Nothing like a 5 star restaurant to make things special.
Linda Willets31-May-2007 04:25
great still life.. vote
Mindy McNaugher31-May-2007 04:14
Exquisite lighting! Beautiful still life! Vote!
Greg Harp31-May-2007 04:13
Fabulous shot--love the composition. I take it congratulations are in order?
Gayle P. Clement31-May-2007 03:20
Really! This would be a nice way to celebrate.