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joanteno | all galleries >> Picture a Day >> Picture a Day 2007 >> July 2007 > pbase Sunrise Walker Farm July 17 R1011097.jpg
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pbase Sunrise Walker Farm July 17 R1011097.jpg

Yep.. Sunrise, on the way to the GYM! (actually taking this made me late!)

Ricoh Caplio GX-100
1/5s f/4.7 at 14.1mm iso100 full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
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Guest 19-Jul-2007 20:38
I really like the subtle pre-dawn colours and the silhouetted grass in the foreground. From the EXIF data it seems as if you were actually up before 5:00! Either that, or your camera's internal clock is off.
Bryan Ramsay18-Jul-2007 16:48
Very nice sunrise!! -BJ
Guest 18-Jul-2007 10:05
beautiful colours and mood.
Bryan Murahashi18-Jul-2007 06:03
Terrific colors.
Guest 18-Jul-2007 01:57
Great colors and scene! V
Katie Chew18-Jul-2007 01:50
Beautiful image. V