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joanteno | all galleries >> Pictures with most hits >> 1000 or more hits > Oscar II and New England Journal of Medicine July 24 R1011158.jpg
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Oscar II and New England Journal of Medicine July 24 R1011158.jpg

Update: OSCAR is hitting the big times - see WEB MD article, AP, and other media outlets..

and for my UK friends - read about Oscar!

Here is the link to the NEJM article - note you will need to copy and paste in your explorer window

Over the past two years, I have taken pictures of Oscar the NH cat...
Well his story appeared in the NEW ENGLAND Journal of Medicine today!
A colleague wrote an essay about OSCAR and the fact that he hold vigils for
dying nursing home residents!

Low and behold, David article got accepted and they used my photograph of

Oscar behavior is really a reflection of the wonderful care that is provided to
NH residents of the 3rd floor dementia unit of Steere House in Providence RI.
I believe that he sees all the concern that the wonderful nursing home staff provide these
dying patients and he just wants to be part of the action.

Congrats to David, the thrid floor of Steere House, and our star of the day -- Oscar!

Ricoh Caplio GX-100
1/40s f/2.5 at 5.1mm iso100 full exif

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mollyb 22-Sep-2007 13:01
not sure which photo, but I figure Oscar will make the 2008 calendar...
Guest 04-Aug-2007 18:32
I just read an article on Oscar in People (okay I admit to some trashy weekend reading) magazine today and you were quoted. I recognized the name as I am always checking out your newest pics as I am a big Java fan :) Oscar is famous!!
Karen Stuebing27-Jul-2007 20:33
Amazing coincidence. I just read an article about Oscar in the local paper today. Great story and photo.
Johnny JAG27-Jul-2007 20:11
I heard his story on the radio on the way to work this morning, he made it as far as the BBC
Renee Lockett27-Jul-2007 11:33
What an outstanding photo, Joan. Congratulations to you and Oscar. An article on Oscar was in our paper yesterday here in South Texas. So wonderful to learn about his amazing abilities. :)
northstar3727-Jul-2007 08:33
famous, hairy bugga!
Bryan Murahashi27-Jul-2007 05:25
I was wondering if this was your Oscar that was all over the news today.
Congrats on all the attention that Oscar is getting.
Great shot with Oscar and his article. V
Guest 27-Jul-2007 00:16
Great stuff Oscar ! (and Joan ;-)
laine8226-Jul-2007 23:47
Just saw Oscar on the morning news & since I was looking at Poochdad's image & story I grabbed my camera. Good work, Oscar !!
CIS26-Jul-2007 23:46
Amazing...I was so touched by the story on CNN that I've googled to read as much as I can about Oscar! Truly a touching story.
Coleen Perilloux Landry26-Jul-2007 23:41
Oscar AND David made the CBS evening news. A wonderful story. Love that Oscar.
Guest 26-Jul-2007 23:17
I read this article on this morning and recognized your name right away. Then I read about it in both of our local papers. Not only is Oscar adorable, he's quite gifted as well. I would think it would be quite comforting for such a cute kitty to snuggle up to someone in their final hours.
laine8226-Jul-2007 22:44
Just saw Oscar on the morning news & since I was looking at Poochdad's image & story I grabbed my camera. Good work, Oscar !!
James Lundy26-Jul-2007 22:39
How exciting for you guys. We saw Oscar, on the local evening news, tonight in Knoxville, TN.
Marcel 26-Jul-2007 22:30
I read about him in a newspaper here in switzerland. What a wonderful story ! Thank you
Tricia26-Jul-2007 21:52
I heard on the news about Oscar, and did not realise that he was your cat Joan. What a clever boy he is and very photogenic. Congratulations on your worldwide fame!
Nancy Flynn 26-Jul-2007 21:19

Your photos of Oscar are great. As is this story. As Carol may have mentioned by almost 98- year-old father died in a hospice near Cleveland last night with his three sons by his bed. He'd been there since Sunday and failed swiftly. I love that Oscar gives his gift to people when they are in that end-of-life place where John's dad was yesterday. Congratulations on bringing a heartwarming, positive story to the world today! --Nancy
Coleen Perilloux Landry26-Jul-2007 19:35
Oh, Joan, I did not realize that Oscar is your cat. I shall go back and read the article again. Wonderful.
Coleen Perilloux Landry26-Jul-2007 19:34
I read about Oscar in the morning paper. If I were in a Nursing Home I would really panic if Oscar came to sleep with me. But, cats do sense these things.
Johnny JAG26-Jul-2007 18:32
He should receive an errrrr..... Oscar?
Jackdad26-Jul-2007 18:27
Lovely smiley photos of you by Joan!
royalld26-Jul-2007 13:42
I read this early this morning in the Daytona Beach News-Journal.
I immediately knew it was your Oscar. Sure enough, towards the end of the article, they mentioned you, Joan Teno, by name.
Congratulations... Oscar is quite a cat; and you alerted us to that fact years ago.
Sue Roberts26-Jul-2007 12:43
i saw him on tv this morning! wow! a star!
Guest 26-Jul-2007 07:22
Congrats and I bow for Oscar.
Guest 26-Jul-2007 03:41
Yes yes yes! That's wonderful Joan. We are so proud of you both. V
Sheila26-Jul-2007 00:33
THis is so exciting Joan! Congratulations!
Guest 25-Jul-2007 23:58
Oscar, you da man! Congratulations!
Karen Leaf25-Jul-2007 23:33
and to you!!
Linda Alstead25-Jul-2007 21:57
congratulations to Oscar - the super cat!
snootydog25-Jul-2007 21:43
Yay! This is so exciting. I would LOVE to see the PDF.... You ROCK, OSCAR!
Gayle P. Clement25-Jul-2007 21:32
Congratulations to you for the photo also. He is a handsome cat.