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joanteno | all galleries >> My Favorites >> Some of my best shots > pbase Jump for Joy DSC_0127.jpg
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pbase Jump for Joy DSC_0127.jpg

Shot a reception for a wedding that occurred in Hawaii -- Really fun group of folks!

For the gallery of wedding shots- please click HERE for more shots from the party

Nikon D80
1/400s f/10.0 at 20.0mm iso200 full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
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Jackdad03-Sep-2007 19:40
love these happy, exuberant shots.
Bryan Murahashi03-Sep-2007 16:33
Great and fun captures.
Karen Stuebing03-Sep-2007 12:47
If I ever get married, I'm hiring you. :) Excellent series of photos that truly capture the happiness of the day. V.
Bryan Ramsay03-Sep-2007 12:22
Looks like a geat party! Very nicely shot! -BJ
Guest 03-Sep-2007 12:01
Looks like great fun! And a great day for it - good for you!
laine8203-Sep-2007 09:48
Oh what a feeling !!! Great shots.
Guest 03-Sep-2007 09:27
great fun, keep on jumping.
Guest 03-Sep-2007 05:59
They have a lot of fun!
Guest 03-Sep-2007 04:37
What fun!
Sheila03-Sep-2007 02:01
Love the jump for joy shot!
royalld03-Sep-2007 02:00
It is great to see smiles all around.
Gayle P. Clement03-Sep-2007 01:38
This looks like a lot of fun!
Brian McAllister03-Sep-2007 00:05
What great fun Joan!!