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joanteno | all galleries >> Java, Moki, and Cino! >> Moki the Black Lab >> Moki Puppy Pictures >> Moki the Puppy Summer > pbase b2w All Pooped Out Week 5 Day 29 DSC_7316.jpg
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pbase b2w All Pooped Out Week 5 Day 29 DSC_7316.jpg

All pooped out: Sweltering heat and humidity - has moki hiding out underneath the crapper.

"To mention it is not very dapper. It was invented by a man named Crapper."
Scavenger Hunt

Ode to Thomas Crapper, plumber who invented "Flushing" and the rest just went down the drain!

This shots concludes the Moki Java June - it was fun, relaxing, and the best gift I gave myself was getting Moki (other than Java in the first place!). He is really becoming a wonderful addition to the pack. House training was easy. Great Uncle Java
is playing with him and enjoying running with him in the back yard. So goodbye June - it was sweet month of memories that I will treasure.

Nikon D300
2s f/13.0 at 13.0mm iso800 full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
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Karen Stuebing01-Jul-2008 17:26
Coolest spot in the house. Fantatic ending for the June Moki gallery. I'm glad Uncle Java has taken a liking to him. :)
Guest 01-Jul-2008 11:42
awww fab!
Bryan Murahashi01-Jul-2008 05:33
He looks very cool and sleepy under the porcelain.
Jackdad30-Jun-2008 21:44
I mean Moki of course, not Mr Crapper.
Jackdad30-Jun-2008 21:44
Amazing how much he has grown in just a month. He's starting to grow into those ears. :-)